Why Music?

Playing an instrument leads to increased cognitive ability and memory capability since it engages almost every part of the brain.  Musicians tend to have more gray matter in their brains, which affects our information processing power.
At its core, music is built upon mathematics since it is constructed with strictly counted measures and beats. Recognizing patterns and understanding what each note, beat, and measure means helps children to improve math skills.
The process of learning to play an instrument increases one’s patience and discipline. Playing an instrument is not easy and requires a level of discipline.   By learning to play, it teaches a child to have patience in the music-making process, not to give up when things get difficult.
Reading and listening skills improve when learning to play an instrument because we must process the information on the sheet music and isolate the individual sounds that are played.  In this way, we determine if the corresponding sound is in the right time and tune when played.
Playing an instrument is a form of expression and helps us to connect with others.  When children learn to play in a group setting, they patience as they wait their turn, they learn to support their fellow players and learn to listen to the teacher or conductor.  They learn to work together as a team and share a positive social experience to produce music.
A child gains confidence as they learn to master their instrument.  Learning an instrument instills courage in a child who can learn to play in front of others and enjoy playing, even if mistakes are made.